Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Winter Blues

It is pitch black by 5:30. Its cold, and cloudy most days. The Winter Blues are here and only going to get worse until sometime in April. I know that Minnesotans are a hardy bunch, but dammit I am tired of being cold. Not to mention getting to work before the sun comes up and staying till after the sun goes down. So here is some summer fun pictures to remind you all of what was and what will be again (but not soon enough)

This summer we started our Keg Rides. Pretty simple idea, take an adult cargo tricycle and strap a keg of beer on the back of it, and ride around the lakes till the keg it empty.

I learned this summer that my Electra Townie Cruiser doesn't like to be taken off jumps.

My KHS doesn't like to be hit by Mini Coopers while I am riding it. Go figure.

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